Take a look at these highlighted cases
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Case video: Pricehubble
Amount of guests: 300
Industry: Tech
Location: Amsterdam
Our services: Venue sourcing | creative concept | ticketing | supplier sourcing | on-site support
Eventic surprised us on each element and was great to work with. We will work with them on our next events for sure!"
Case video: Richemont
Amount of guests: 500
Industry: Luxury goods
Location: Amsterdam
Our services: Venue sourcing | creative concept | supplier sourcing | supplier management | on-site support
"Eventic surprised us on each element and was great to work with. We will work with them on our next events for sure!"
Case video: Castor
Amount of guests: 250
Industry: Luxury goods
Location: Barcelona
Our services: Venue sourcing | creative concept | supplier sourcing | supplier management | on-site support
"Whatever we needed, Eventic provided it to us in a heartbeat! If you're ever looking for a creative and reliable partner, Eventic is the agency you need!"